Is your child attending an online class?
Moving to online teaching due to the Coronavirus has been a sudden and unexpected challenge for students and teachers but I am seeing preschool and Pre-K teachers step up to the plate. No challenge, even Coronavirus, is going to stand in the way of teachers doing what they can to support their littles. Many of the teachers I am speaking of have been teaching their students through an online portal of some sort. Some of those teachers are doing it for free and a few are getting paid. In either case, if your child is spending time in an online class with his or her teacher, here are a few tips to help your child get the most out of their online learning experience. Keep in mind that your child’s teacher has probably had to learn a LOT about technology in a hurry to get something up and running. Let me encourage you to show up for your child’s time with his or her teacher. The teachers I have talked with genuinely want to keep the connection going even if it means...